5 Leads

On October 24, 2015, the RHHS will allow all student, except freshman, to have a open lunch policy.
This policy started because of phenomenal test scores over the past 3 years.

This Saturday, the small town community known as Rock Hill will be having a town meeting.
They will be discussing about the idea of allowing Walmart to build a another Super-Walmart.
Walmart thought that since Rock Hill is a growing community, that they could handle another Super-Walmart.

About Me

Welcome to my About Me blog.

Hello, my name is Jacob I live in a nice community in East Texas. I’m in 8th grade and my favorite subjects are American History and Classic History. I’m 6ft. 4in. tall, and I’m only 14, I don’t like to use my height and strength for my own pleasure, I prefer to use it for helping others. In fact I don’t really like being a giant, but anyways, back to the point. I’m kinda anti-social, meaning I don’t talk to people a lot. I prefer to work alone, rather than being in a group.

Things I like-
Video games
Spending time with my family
Helping people with situations

Things I hate-
Fighting (physical contact)

Well folks, that is about all the things I can think of right now so, see ya later.


My mom is a true hero because she has been right beside me 24/7 because I have to have surgery on my foot in a few days. She would get up in the middle of the night and check on me to see if I was all right. She is the best mom anyone could ever have, in the morning I would carefully have to get out of bed and my mom would always be there to help me.
When it was time to have surgery my mom would make me wait to get out so she could help me out. When we got back my foot was numb so it felt like I had a giant weight on my foot but my mom was still was there to help, and that’s why my mom is a true hero.